Sunday, July 27, 2014


We've all been there. Sitting. Thinking to ourselves what goals we want to accomplish by the end of the year. Lets face it, many of those goals mainly the ones we deem too unforeseeable to accomplish will go unfinished. So how do we find the time, energy, and ultimately mental strength to push full steam ahead to accomplish our goals? This is a question I ask myself on a regular basis when it comes to my fitness goals and life goals in general. What I'm about to disclose is not backed by scientific findings or any scholarly works, but is an assessment of my physical abilities and perhaps an opportunity to you as a reader insight on your own capabilities if you set your mind to it. As I write this I am currently training for the NYC Marathon on November 2, 2014. My marathon training consists of an average of 5-6 miles of running per day 5 times per week in addition to a long run on Saturdays which range from 9-20 miles of running depending on the weekly schedule. On top of my marathon goal I look to maintain an athletic physique by continuing a strength conditioning regiment. As I did when I figured out what goals I wanted to achieve for this year I first asked myself why I wanted to accomplish these goals. Without a strong reason or purpose our minds like adolescents tend to favor our wants despite the importance of our needs. Therefore strive to give your goals a personal connection and valuable meaning as to why you ultimately want to strive for these goals. For instance, for my marathon I am running on behalf of Team For Kids Charity to raise a goal of $2,600.00 for underprivileged kids around the world whose families do not have the financial abilities to support them through running programs to allow for not only the health but well being of these kids. I chose this charity because I've seen personally how technology and gaming has affected our youths today and is a large reason for child obesity in the United States. This type of strong personal connection is what pushes me everyday I train knowing that if I do not give it my 100 percent effort each day that I am not only failing myself but the kids connected to my charity. My second question on setting goals is HOW are you going to achieve your goals? There is no cookie cutter method to doing this as everyone's goals will differ and at many times can be converge at separate extremes. My biggest tip to this is plan ahead and consider the alternative actions you must take if you happen to come along a wall along the way. Lets face it that we will all encounter these walls, from unexpected personal or family events, injuries, illnesses, or even the occasional lack of motivation. As long as you plan ahead to make sure you're one step closer to your goals and make sure that life doesn't take you of course the consistency will continue to allow you to achieve your goal. Now this might come off as common sense or basic knowledge but the key of consistency is often lost in large goals that we have never imagined obtainable. To give you a retrospect of this idea, consider the goal of making $100 dollars. Anyone with the basic abilities to work and want to work can easily obtain this goal and it is not too far fetched that one may wander off this path towards this goal because they don't have the hunger to want it that bad. Where as say a goal of obtaining 1 million dollars is a much harder goal to obtain. In working towards this goal much more care and precision planning and organization is required. Additionally you must think and act accordingly to your goals. This is because the mind of a world class athlete or a multi-million works and thinks differently than that of an individual with less ambition and willpower. If you want to be like those that have achieved the goals in which you aspire your mindset must be as those that have already paved the way for you. Do you think a multi-millionaire sat around waiting to win the lottery or it to fall on their lap. Do you think the world class athlete is sitting around thinking they can hold off their workout for another day or eat whatever they want because they think they deserve it? That is the type of questions you must ask yourself and understand that your hard work and determination will allow you to successfully achieve any goals you may have. Thank you for reading this and I hope it helps you in achieving your goals. As always we are here to help and if you have any questions or concerns please reach out and let us know!

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