So you went out and bought $200 worth of gym apparel and got that membership to your local fitness club. Now what. Well before you spend the cash and time, there are many simple things you can do at home and work to headstart your weight loss!
-Cut out sodas and other high in sugar drinks
Many people love soda. Simply cutting soda out of your regularly meals and beverages can yield average 8-10lbs loss in a month or so. Many people that see they need to chose better health choices switch to a diet soda. Does diet soda make a difference? Yes. Good difference? No. When i am in my local mall i see many overweight people ordering large meals with a diet coke. First off in diet soda they have artificial sweeteners instead of sugars. Studies have shown that a consistent use can result into diabetes. Soda, diet soda, they are carbonated and caffeinated. Solution? Water. Water is the best thing to switch to when you want to lose weight in a short amount of time. If you go from drinking coffee and sweet tea and soda everyday to water, you will see results. It is recommended to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. First noticeable difference is in your face. I don't know what it is but most people who hold weight lose it in their face first.
-Stop skipping Breakfast!
Most important meal of the day. You hear it all the time, but why? Starting the day with a healthy hearty breakfast kick starts your metabolism throughout the day.
[muh-tab-uh-liz-uhSimply put, energy. People who have a faster metabolism than others burn through food and calories faster. Skipping your breakfast just prolongs the lag in this process. Leaving you feeling sluggish and slow. Start off the day with some fresh fruit and eggs. Many links online you can google for amazing healthy breakfast recipes that are easy to make.
-Snack Time, Fruit and veggies or that tasty snack pack!?
In between meals you tend to want something to snack on. Normally if you are busy at work and don't have time you go to that vending machine and get chips or cookies or my favorite, blueberry muffins! Pack your lunch and plan ahead! Assume you will get hungry and pack some carrots, or celery sticks. Celery is a great choice. Being mostly made up of water and fiber. Fills you up for the time being. It really comes down to being well prepared the night before and being consistent.
-Get a good nights rest.
Trust me i know how you feel. Sleep. Ah, never enough ZZZz when you need them. But it is true, sleeping average 8 hours a night around the same time not only helps metabolism but also yields weight loss.
These are just a few tips on what you can do and change. If you are already doing these then great! Keep up the great work.
Follow our journey on instagram @auktane_fit @hara.kiri_ @drphantastic
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