If you are a natural lifter like myself and my partner are then you have at one point in time experienced a plateau in your journey to obtain the perfect physique. Some tend to look at a pre workout because they think that will give them the edge on their lifts. When that doesn't work then they research heavier supplements such as pro hormones and even steroids. Leaving the last two for another blog, a simple solution is simply lifting your legs, once a day or even twice a week.
When you don't lift your legs properly or even at all, you miss out on up to 45% natural testosterone in your body. Naturally after your mid 30s you start to lose test (most men do. Some don't till later). Lifting your legs daily will help you break through any plateau you come to face. It will also help you grow in size and strength!
A trick that i use and have used is this: i lift chest and back the day after my leg day. My natural test is high in my body after 24 hours and I'm able to give it 110%. This way i can still build a very nice pectoral region and a strong wide back while utilizing my leg day!
Like i have said in previous blogs. To each of their own. Maybe you have strong legs naturally and don't see the need to lift your legs. Others use body weight to strengthen them such as cardio. At the end of the day, if you are struggling with a plateau and you skip leg day, it is time to rethink and revise your workout routine and incorporate legs in there. Try it for a month and log your gains. I bet you'll be surprised with your results!
As always Auktane fam, lift hard and kill it!
Survival of the fittest
Fuel your drive
Follow our journey on instagram: @Auktane_fit @hara.kiri_ @drphantastic
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