Monday, July 14, 2014

Birth Of Auktane Fit

Let me first start off by saying thank you for taking the time to visit our blog! We are extremely thrilled to launch our brand over the internet through social media.

We are two guys. Two, ordinary men that lift at our local gym and had the idea to start our own fitness brand. Our lifting style is hybrid. Constantly changing, and hitting every aspect for our body: Strength, growth and endurance. Our drive and determination and "never back down" attitude in the gym is what makes us unique. My partner and i push each other to our limits, and then past them. The most amazing thing about it all is where we both began. Fresh out of high school weighing 125lbs. Ordinary small guys, who put in over 6 years of hard work.

Consider this our mission statement:

What we hope to accomplish.

Inspire you, and help you. We know how hard it is when you are starting out weight lifting and conditioning. You may have already had times where you walk into the gym and start picking up different weights with no plan, or goal and start doing random sets. That is where we come in! We are here for you! Not us and some hope of internet fame and glory, but to help you succeed. If we can reach out and help a handful of people, then we will be happy. 

We are excited for you all to join us in our journey! 

Adam A. 
Follow our journey on instagram: @hara.kiri_ @auktane_fit @Dr.Phantastic

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