Purpose of this post is for you to gain knowledge on the different categories of protein and their use, pros and cons, and be able to pick one right for your needs. So lets get into it!
Whey Proteins
These two properties make whey the ideal protein to take immediately before and after your workouts.
->Whey protein Concentrate
High quality whey that is filtered to remove a good portion of the carbs and fat. Most products on the shelves today are about 70-80%
->Whey protein isolate
Purer form of whey than concentrate, because it's processed even further by way of ion-exchange chromatography. This allows for a powder that is greater than 90% protein, which makes it a good choice to use when dieting because of the lower carb and fat content.
-> Whey protein hydrolysate
Produced when WRC and WRI is taken through a final step known as hydrolysis. Hydrolysis breaks the bonds between amino acids, a job normally reserved for your digestive system. Without the extra workload, your system absorbs is even faster than the other two. This makes WPH a superior postworkout protein choice.
Casein Proteins
Having a steady amount of amino acids has been shown to prevent muscle protein breakdown, which some suggest is just as important for growth as enhancing muscle protein synthesis.
Most soluble form of casen, which allows it to mix very easily. If you happen to be limiting your sodium intake, you may want to consider avoiding products with high amounts of sodium caseinate.
->Micellar casein
Made by using micro-filtration to separate the casein portion of milk from the lactose, fat and whey. It digests much more slowly than the other casein proteins, which is its best strength. Before going to bed, if you are taking protein to drink, it should have a good deal of micellar casein, to prevent muscle breakdown while you sleep.
->Hydrolyzed casein protein
Similar to whey protein hydrolysate, is formed by the hydrolysis of casein protein. Unlike the other caseins, micellar casein, HCP is rapidly digested at a similar rate to whey.
Soy Protein
If you are looking muscle gains but want to avoid animal based products, this is the protein for you.
->Soy protein concentrate
Around 70% protein with relatively low carbs and fat content. Soy concentrate often has a small amount of indigestible carbs that can cause gas in some people.
->Soy protein isolate
Is made from soy concentrate that is further processed to give a product that is at least 90% protein.
So there is a breakdown of the three main proteins. I hope this helps you out! Later i will post a few protein recipes that are quick and easy to make!